I have been practicing acupuncture for close to three decades. Early on the bulk of my work involved working with HIV, chronic pain, addiction recovery and prison acupuncture.

For several years now my focus has been on treating pain as well as supporting individuals going through modern cancer treatments. I also work with veterans and treat a variety of chronic conditions.

My approach to acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine is informed by many years experience with the diagnostics and treatment protocols of TCM. Several years ago this largely evolved into a biomedical and scientific orientation.

In this way I am able to communicate with a wide variety of clients and medical practitioners through shared contemporary biomedical understanding.

Finally I have come to understand what the trauma of a major medical diagnosis means as a life changing event for clients. Acupuncture can be of great therapeutic value supporting physical and emotional adjustment and re-enchantment with life following such major challenges. Also featuring highly in my work is supporting overall adaptation to living well with chronic conditions.

Choice of treatment protocols, duration and sensitive needle technique is always fluid and adaptive and based upon client needs and response.


Email – acupuncturecalm@gmail.com

Text – 503-784-7021