Treatments are individualized, based on clinical findings and your medical history. Every attempt is made to foster partnership with you and your other healthcare providers. My top priority is your independent wellness.

Once an acupuncture point combination is selected it is usually repeated until results are stable, with some points added or subtracted each session depending on symptoms reported that day.

In some cases a mild electrical pulse may be used with the needles to facilitate stronger signaling in the nervous system.

Acupuncture has been shown for decades to be a very safe procedure. Side effects, if any are minor.

Types of Acupoints

Generally three groupings of acupoints are used: 

  • Local points over or near the problem area
  • Distal points on the limbs
  • Paraspinal points along the back and neck

Sometimes acupoints on the scalp and the ears will be used. Selecting from most of these acupoint types ensures the most comprehensive, successful treatment outcome.

The highest quality Japanese needles are used. The fineness of the needles and degree of stimulation are adjusted to your sensitivity.

Number of Treatments

Acupuncture re-educates the body toward healing in incremental steps, so a course of treatment is necessary. This often involves six to eight sessions, one week apart, but can be as few as two sessions. The course treatment may be shorter or longer depending on your clinical need.

Responding to Acupuncture

  • Approximately 30% of people are high- or super-responders to acupuncture
  • 50% of people are good responders to acupuncture
  • 20% are low or non-responders

It may take two or three treatments to determine your particular response rate and pattern.

Some chronic conditions are best treated under a maintenance schedule.

I am skilled at accommodating individual sensitivity while obtaining enough acupoint stimulus for the best treatment outcome. For most people acupuncture treatment is a pleasantly positive experience. 

Are Results Temporary?

Long-lasting effects depend on the overall health of the person being treated and the degree to which their particular condition is treatable. One study showed improvements from acupuncture treatment lasting at least 3 years.

How Long Does A Treatment Last?

Acupuncture treatment usually lasts 10 to 20 minutes, during which time you rest on a comfortable treatment table. Many people experience deep relaxation during this time.

How do I Schedule an Appointment?

Email –

Text – 503-784-7021